Personal Export
Exporting Motorhomes and Caravans to New Zealand and other Countries.
Marquis are the UK’s largest dealer network. We work with selected partners to bring you export sales service to New Zealand, Ireland and other countries - see below for these partner's details:
New Zealand - Trailite
Northern Ireland - Camper Ni
Ireland - Dublin Motorhomes
Scotland - Calder Campers | East Neuk Campervans
Our commitment to our customers ensures the most seamless possible transaction dealing with shipping your export motorhome or export caravan and we will arrange delivery to your appointed port, when you need it. Simply choose your preferred shipping company, provide us with the date and time of shipment and we will deliver your new vehicle to the appointed dock and leave it in their capable hands to transfer your dream to you.
To find out more about exporting your motorhome abroad, speak to Marquis or visit the HM Customs website for more advice.
Customers living in the Channel Islands may also use the Personal Export Scheme to buy their motorhome through Marquis. Again for more information speak to Marquis or visit the HM Customs website for more advice.
Australia www.customs.gov.au
India www.cbec.gov.in
Indonesia www.beacukai.go.id
Kenya www.revenue.go.ke
Malawi www.mra.mw/mra_profile.php
Malaysia www.customs.gov.my
Namibia www.namibia-1on1.com/namibia-customs-excise.html
Netherlands www.belastingdienst.nl
New Zealand www.customs.govt.nz
South Africa www.sars.gov.za
Sudan www.customs.gov.sd
Sweden www.tullverket.se/en
Switzerland www.zoll.admin.ch
Tanzania www.tra.go.tz
Thailand www.customs.go.th
Uganda www.ura.go.ug
USA www.customs.ustreas.gov
Vietnam www.customs.gov.vn
Zambia www.zra.org.zm
Zimbabwe www.zimra.co.zw