Here at Marquis we strive to continually deliver a level of service that satisfies our customers. If you would like to get in touch to give us any feedback on our website, staff, service levels or products please do not hesitate to tell us about it.
Please select from the following feedback options and provide us with as much information as possible, so we can best direct your feedback. If your feedback does not fall into any of the below categories, please complete our contact us form.
In the unfortunate event that you feel the need to make a Customer Complaint - please see our Complaints Procedure below:
If you have any concern about our products or services, please get in touch and we will be happy to help in any way we can. Naturally, we trust that you never have cause to complain but should you be faced with this situation, please take the matter up with the Sales or Service Manager at your dealership. It always helps when doing so if you can provide written details of the problem, especially if the matter concerns other departments in the dealership. This course of action should be all that is required to resolve your complaint but should you still continue to be dissatisfied with the situation, you should write to the Branch Manager.
Marquis Motorhomes & Caravans is an NCC Dealership member. A key commitment under the NCC best practice guide, is that we maintain a clear and formal written complaints procedure and take effective and immediate action to try and resolve any customer complaint.
Our procedure is as follows:
1. If you want to make a complaint, and do not wish to discuss matters with the Sales or Service Manager directly. Please either write or send an email to the Branch Manager at the address below.
a. Marquis will acknowledge your complaint by letter, email or phone, within 2 working days of receipt.
b. Marquis will issue an initial response by letter, email or phone or a final decision by letter or by email, as soon as possible or at the latest within 10 working days of complaint receipt.
c. If Marquis issue an initial response and you notify us that it does not resolve your complaint, Marquis will issue a final decision, by letter or email, as soon as possible or at the latest within a further 5 working days.
d. In all instances, if Marquis justifiably need more time to investigate and manage your complaint (e.g. because it involves another party), Marquis will provide written reasons why and an estimated date when we expect to be able to issue an initial response or final decision.
e. Marquis will keep a complaint log which will be available for inspection by NCC assessors.
2. Marquis will keep you informed either by letter or e-mail, whichever you prefer.
3. Any final decision will include details of the NCC Informal Dispute Resolution Service and the independent Case Examiner (the ICE) in case you require independent redress. Please note that the ICE will only consider complaints that have been first sent to, and considered by, the NCC Informal Dispute Resolution Service.
4. If you are not satisfied with our final decision, or if Marquis exceed the response timescales, you can then refer your complaint to the NCC for Informal Dispute resolution. If this fails to resolve your complaint or if the NCC Informal Dispute Resolution Service is not able to handle your complaint, your complaint may be eligible for escalation to the ICE. Marquis will co-operate fully with the Examiner during an investigation and comply with his final decision which is binding on us both. Please note an administration fee of £60 (including VAT) will be charged by the NCC should you wish to use the Examiner service. This fee is refundable only if the Examiner finds in your favour, subject to his discretion. There are no other charges to you for using the service.
5. Marquis will liaise, at your written request, with anyone acting formally on your behalf (e.g. Trading Standards, Citizens Advice Bureau, Consumer Advice Centre, etc.).
Note: The National Caravan Council (NCC) is the UK trade body for the tourer, motorhome, holiday home and park home industries. It has developed a best practice guide for leisure vehicle dealerships, to ensure that subscriber members treat customers fairly, deliver high levels of customer satisfaction and provide full protection and access to redress should this be needed. Further details can be found via the following link: https://thencc.org.uk/
For any complaint that relates to your credit or hire agreement, please contact us:
In writing
The Commercial Director, Marquis Leisure, Chain Caul Road, Preston PR2 2PD
By email: finance@marquismotorhomes.co.uk
If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied regarding your finance transaction, please let us know straight away. Our dedicated team will investigate your concerns. Please be aware that due to the complexity of these complaints they can take longer to investigate and resolve than other complaints.
We will endeavour to resolve your regulated credit related complaint as quickly as possible, if however you are not satisfied with our Final Response, or it has been more than eight weeks since we received your complaint, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Details about how to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service can be found here www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk or by telephoning 0845 080 1800.
Where your complaint relates to motor finance discretionary commission arrangements (DCA), the eight week response time has been paused for 37 weeks from 11 January 2024.
You can find out more information on the pause here: https://www.fca.org.uk/carfinance